hypotheses suggested by the data造句


  1. See testing hypotheses suggested by the data.
  2. It is a method designed for testing hypotheses suggested by the data while avoiding the fallacy described above.
  3. This issue is roughly testing hypotheses suggested by the data, although that article could use some work.
  4. Testing hypotheses suggested by the data is circular reasoning that proves nothing; It is a special limitation on the choice of the null hypothesis.
  5. Sometimes, a researcher may conduct exploratory research but report it as if it had been confirmatory ('Hypothesizing After the Results are Known', HARKing see Hypotheses suggested by the data ); this is a questionable research practice bordering on fraud.
  6. It's difficult to find hypotheses suggested by the data in a sentence. 用hypotheses suggested by the data造句挺难的
  7. It would be " possible " to do a cutoff type test ( " e . g . ", Fisher's exact test ), but please note the issues on pages such as testing hypotheses suggested by the data, data snooping bias, and data dredging.
  8. Alternatively, if additional information can be generated using the same process as the original information, one can use the original information to construct a hypothesis, and then test the hypothesis on the new data . ( See hypothesis testing . ) What one " cannot " do is use " the same " information to construct " and " test the same hypothesis ( see hypotheses suggested by the data )  to do so would be to commit the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.


  1. "hypothermic response"造句
  2. "hypothermic shock"造句
  3. "hypothermy"造句
  4. "hypotheses"造句
  5. "hypotheses non fingo"造句
  6. "hypothesi"造句
  7. "hypothesis"造句
  8. "hypothesis activation"造句
  9. "hypothesis distribution"造句
  10. "hypothesis error"造句

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